Western Heritage Free
- Genres: Western
- Rating IMDb: 63
- Year: 1948
- Duration: 1:1

A forger has made a copy of a Spanish land grant and Arnold is after it. Arnold and his men attack, shoot the forger, and take the deed while Russ tries unsuccessfully to stop them. Arnold presents it at the recorders office. It appears authentic and he starts evicting ranchers from their land. But Russ knows something is wrong as one of Arnold's men was a man he fought with during the attack.
Joe Powell, an ex-convict, shows his sweetheart, Cleo Raymond, singer in a Tucson café, a wallet that contains something of great value, He is being followed by Clyde Arnold, a shady promoter, and his two henchmen, "TRigg" McCord and "Pike" Haskins. They attack Powell for the wallet but a young rancher, Ross Daggett, rescues him. Later, riding to their ranch, Ross and his pal Chito Rafferty find Powell dying of a bullet wound. With his last words, he asks Ross to give the wallet to Cleo, but Ross is slugged by Arnold and his henchmen, and he recovers to find the wallet and Powell's body missing. Arnold calls at the office of Judge Henry Winston and his niece, Beth Winston, tells them he is Powell and presents an old Spanish land grant giving him control of the whole valley. The judge goes to Santa Fe to check the validity of the claim, while Arnold waits as "Spade" Thorne's saloon. The judge returns and says the land-grant is genuine. Thorne, Arnold and their henchmen then start a reign of terror evicting the rightful property owners, based on the document Joe Powell had forged.